
School Bores Me

Haish. School is like the moving images above. I don't know. It bores me! Everyday the same thing, the only interesting part is friends making the school environment very exciting. Fml. Now, waiting for my dearest bitch, Siri to go workout & swim at jurong later at 6pm. Giving the sun a missed caused we don't wish to see our fair skin get tan. Hahaha. LOL. Haish, Java lesson tomorrow. Urgh! Alright people, shall update soon.



Watched Inception last Satuday. The best complex yet entertaining movie I've ever watch! I love the quotes, " We gotta break out of here. Give him the kick! " That's an interesting quote to use as a sign to break out from class. LOL. It's been ages since me & beloved boyfriend watch a movie together. The last was March 23, Cop Out at Golden Village, Jurong Point.

I gave up doing my Java assignments. Not really give up though. I just uploaded my 70% complete codes because the deadline was tonight 11.59pm and I don't have sufficient time to complete the other 30% as I'm seriously stuck. Now now I am half hearted to go school tomorrow because attending this draggy facilitator class is just not a brilliant inception for my school days. FML.

Good night people! Hugs & kisses!


I'm yours :)

U still be mine no matter what k !
I super happy when he said that. Hehehehe. I'm such an ass. LOL. Babbbyyyy! I missss youuu! :( Friday come faster la can? Please please please.


Are you okay?

You know.

Sometimes when I'm say " I'm okay ", I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say " I know you are not ".

[ Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars? ]


I feel so damn messed up. I'm lost in time. I can't seem to organize my thoughts well. I feel like shuting down myself and chill. I don't feel like contacting nor talking to anybody for a few hours. I need time for myself. I don't know :(

If only he could catch me when I fall down. I'd thought if i've got you, I don't need a parachute. But I don't know, god bless me. Goodnight people. Have a great day.


Bored to Death

Hi people! I'm bored. Like really really am bored. This boredom is killing me :( Haish. Since i'm getting better, I should then start studying for my paper which is next thursday. I think it is still too early but it's okay. Better be prepared than rushing through everything right?

Cya soon! Heee :)

Jacob Black

" It's not like love at 1st sight, really. It's more like gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it's not the earth that holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her. And you would do anything for her, be anything for her. You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother ".

Eclipse Twilight Saga.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
& I miss my sepet Jacob so much. Haha. Come home soon baby.
Meet u tomorrow, like finally! I love you so much.

Get well soon hunney :>

Aww. Thanks you. You take care too okay :)

Ask me anything


halo . u're back ! nice blog !

Hello! Haha. Thanks. Yes, i'm back to rock this blog :)

Ask me anything

What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?

Handphones. The device that allows me to get in touch with precious boy no matter where he go ;)

Ask me anything

Do you believe in life after death?

Holeykemoley. YES. Haha.

Ask me anything

When was the last time you gave flowers?

This year mother's day. It was my first & it was not a real flower too. LOL.

Ask me anything

If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?

Spagetti. Coz I want some too, can? Hehe.

Ask me anything


After 3 hours of sleeping and eating medicine, I am still ill. Urgh! & this fucking sore throat is killing me. Seriously, i tot 2 days MC is enough but what now? I'm not sure if i can go school tomorrow. I feel like i am lacking of energy despite my many rest these 2 days. * Insert sad pale face here *

& I don't wish to skip lessons from school. I want good grades too yknow.
Takecare people and i will take good care of myself too, don't ya'll worry :)


Hi people. Gyeah I know. Scream all you want. Hehe. This blog is dead for a few months and i guess it's time to revive it now *wriggling eyebrows*

Okay. Before i start to abruptly go missing again, i shall then put it down here. Year 2, yes unfortunately my schedules is effing tight. You name it! Assignements, projects, daily reflection journals etc. As for that i can't promise that i will update that often. But i will try k sayangs :)

So gyeah. If you guys didn't know, my boyf got enlisted on 8.6.10 as a civil defence recruit. (Abg bomba!) Hehe. Now, it's been a month & a week. Still got a long way to go ORD la baby. Chill okay. Anyhoo, i'm lying if i said that i don't miss him. Everytime time passes by i wish he's by my side but what to do. Just wish that i could chain him around my feet and bring him whereever i go. *Ecstatic face*

Previously, he just texted me.

Boyf : I kept on looking at our picture that I placed at my camp locker. I miss you syg :(

Awww. Sweet much can? Despite being far apart, he still the same old guy that love me naturally. 
Alright people. Now, i need to eat my medicine and go take a rest. Not so sure whether i could sleep though. Heh. Alright! Good day sayangs! :)